Blog Posts January 26, 2023

Moving Forward

Moving Forward

Cotton-Eyed Joe asks, where do you come from where do you go?

Conventional wisdom and Winston Churchill reminds, If we don’t know history we are doomed to repeat it.

Our company has shifted its’ ownership a bit recently. While not a founder, or original owner, I have been on board since nearly its’ inception; nearly two decades ago.

Our company, then Nebraska Home Sales, now Coldwell Banker NHS was home grown, small and forward thinking. A few years back during another shift, we repositioned to capture the business opportunity of the day, while retaining our value proposition, culture and good Nebraska roots.

Those roots grew well and we, and our clients, are reaping their harvest.

The leadership baton is being passed, and shared again. Lucky us.

The new team stands on the shoulders of the current one. The ones who got us this far, the ones who are sticking around to reap the benefits of who we are, and, to be the helpers. The history holders, and the future forgers moving forward together.

We are a brokerage of helpers. Known for our collaboration and our “rising tide floats all ships” ways.  The sum of our parts greater than our individual agents. This of course, makes us deeply, broadly and cutting -edged equipped to serve our clients.

Our radio show will now be a podcast, and our Real Life Real Estate column will now be this blog. “Something’s lost and something’s gained in living every day” (Joni Mitchell). We move forward but not away.

Years ago, while visiting Disney I saw the drawings that were the foundation of his Mickey Mouse. From those sketches, look what was built. As in the rest of life, the individual cells of the film may not look too impressive on their own, but let them stack up and in their compilation a pretty great picture can appear.

We may not be as innovative, or as much fun, as Disney, but we know where we came from and where we hope to go. We have learned from the past and continue to make our picture even better.

Clients, thank you for making this all possible.  Please give us a call when it’s time to make your move.

We think you will like what you see!